Betekenis van:
middle term

middle term
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion



    1. With regard to the origin of the term, numerous hypothesis have been formulated, most of them are connected to the Middle Age.
    2. A waste is considered as partly stabilised if after the stabilisation process dangerous constituents which have not been changed completely into non-dangerous constituents could be released into the environment in the short, middle or long term.
    3. It refers to the particular wine typology and to the corresponding and complex production method which implies storage and wine grapes drying in suitable and aerated places for a long ageing period into traditional wooden containers. With regard to the origin of the term, numerous hypothesis have been formulated, most of them are connected to the Middle Age.
    4. Furthermore, even if the Spanish argument is assessed from the point of view of a closure of AESA, instead of a closure of its last three shipyards, it can be noted that procedures to start a closure of AESA only started in the middle of 2002. Furthermore, the Court stated in the Lanerossi judgment that when the injection of capital disregard any prospects of profitability even in the long term, such a provision must be regarded as aid.